I learnt that the nation state is a product of colonialism. A colony claims independence and becomes a nation state. It then struggles to groom her own identity and visions based on her cultures, histories, wealth and politics. My artwork is a relief wall sculpture depicting two similar looking national symbols from America and Malaysia; the Iwo Jima Memorial Monument and Tugu Negara (National Monument). Both portray the triumph of their military over their enemies. Another symbol that both nations have in common are the similar design elements on our flags. The appropriation of these national symbols and represented here serves to highlight how much nation states influenced one another in numerous aspects. How the aspiration, inspiration and maybe admiration, influence the direction of a nation state’s vision, and the price we pay for that transaction. America is a nation loud and proud of her achievements. With all her power and ideals, she represents the peak of humanity’s development and the depth of civilization. America and Europe is influential on the global scale especially in the areas of economy and more so, culturally. My work is intended as a discussion on cultural transactions. What did we learn in our journey of leading a nation state? As we’re behind in numerous aspects, aren’t we able to profit from the mistakes and the sacrifices they’ve made to be wherever them are at right now? Are we going to try to reach the same peaks as they or are we prepared to scale our own peaks?

The Greatest View At The Similarities in Features Between the Pinnacles of Two Different Nation (Revisited)
Pulp clay, steel pole & custom banner
439 x 335 cm