This latest initiative is a complementary addition to HOM’s other programs, namely our art residency and art fund, and is to be given once every three years to selected Malaysian artists under the age of 33. We hope this undertaking will further augment our efforts in supporting the many deserving young Malaysian artists and will grow into a significant platform for contemporary Malaysian visual arts in the future.
As it is today, the more practical minded will capitulate to the dictates of the market by producing visually pleasing works. Many predictably will conveniently bank on the sentimental and nostalgic while others are contented to churn out the typically derivative and decorative. Of course, they are deservedly successful in their own right and should be commended for their industry. However, there are those who have “stuck to their guns” so to speak, through thick and thin and soldier on to fulfil their own individual artistic visions while lesser others have gladly traded their artistic calling for immediate material rewards.
This award is specially created for them.
Though the process of selecting awardees has not been easy and the final results will probably be disputed, we are confident that we have tried our utmost to be impartial and the selection justifiable. The following are the 13 young artists identified as recipients for this year’s award: Samsudin Wahab, Haslin Ismail, Zelin Seah, Najib Bamadhaj, Anisa Abdullah, Chong Ai Lei, Fadilah Karim, Kamal Asraff Mohd, Donald Abraham, Azam Aris, Ruzzeki Harris, Al Khuzairie Ali and Chitoo.
Many of the names mentioned above are no strangers to the art scene. Most of them have made strong impressions with their impressive debut a few years back and have been fairly consistent in the quality of works produced so far while remaining true to their artistic visions or principles. All of them possess discernable styles and interesting choice of subject matters which make them stand out disitinctively from the local art scene saturated with unimaginative imitators, fickle-minded trend followers and opportunistic counterfeiters.
We believe The Young Guns Award is a timely bestowal of appreciation and admiration. Its objective is simple; to give encouragement and celebrate exceptional works by young upcoming artists. However, what sets it apart from other existing initiatives undertaken by a private entity is that it involves a showcase of latest works by the awardees which are supported with a travelling exhibition. This move is calculated to not only maximize the publicity for the awardees as well as their works; it is also a long overdue effort to promote contemporary Malaysian art to parts outside of the capital.
The theme chosen for this inaugural exhibition is aptly titled ‘NYALA’, which means ‘Flame’ in Malay. The younger generation are correctly the torchbearers of new ideas with different ways of thinking and doing things. We can only be receptive and supportive when they have proven to be consistent, serious and earnest in all their undertakings for one day they will bring Malaysia’s contemporary art to a higher level. The exhibition will be held at MAP@Publika’s White Box, an accessible venue which had gained much prominence over the years for its support of contemporary art and related activities, followed by a second show at The Whiteaways Arcade in Georgetown, Penang.
We hope that this award will further highlight the efforts of these young guns and inspire others to follow in their footsteps to always aim high and ‘shoot for the stars’. The Malaysian contemporary art scene has been more exciting and enriched because of them. Before concluding, HOM Art Trans wish to take this opportunity to offer our heartiest congratulations to all 13 awardees as well as our sincerest appreciation to the proprietors of MAP@ Publika and The Whiteaways Arcade for their support.
Nur Hanim Khairuddin
Co-Director , HOM Art Trans