Crisis-Self Defence: is my personal reflection on the situation and happenings in the local art scene. To have staying power in the artworld is no easy feat. Besides the constant pressure to deliver outstanding work based on solid ideas that could convey deep and powerful messages, one has to face with other less savoury aspects amidst the art circle. The endless backstabbing, the schemes of investors, speculators and money launderers must be taken into account when one decides to embark on a serious career in the visual arts. Therefore, artists need to formulate their own strategies and have long term career plans in order not to be overwhelmed and swept away by the commercial tide. The strange looking animal in this painting symbolises certain characters in the art scene one has to beware of. The pairing of the head of an alligator with the natural armoured body of a Rhinoceros reveals someone who has a huge appetite and will swallow anything whole in front of them without any forethought of the consequences while being defensive of their actions. The clown collar or ruff around the creature’s neck is sign of a hypocrite who pretends to be open, funny and friendly while in actuality is a backstabber. The numerous little sumo wrestlers are the obstacles they will place in front of you to slow you or prevent you from succeeding to the next level in your art career.

Crisis – Self Defense
Acrylic on Jute
200 x 255 cm
200 x 255 cm