This work is a response to the current political situation in the country. Carved manually on MDF board, the whole work is composed of two figures, a portrait, a weapon with a hand on its handle and mini plant with a human hand as its roots. In my view, this work shows the extent of how far one is willing to go to remain in power. The situation reveals a parasitic relationship where those in power live off on our ideas and hard work (both represented by a plant growing on a figure’s head and the plant from one’s hand). To placate our dissatisfaction, the hand (with the weapon) that is extended to console us is also a weapon ever ready to be use against us to ensure we do not rock the status quo. It accurately depicts our reality where those who used us to climb to or remain on top of the power structure are oblivious to our daily hardships and sufferings.

Carving on MDF board
305 x 122 cm
305 x 122 cm